Join the PCC Earth Day Pledge

To mark Earth Day 2024, Pima Community College is excited to launch our third annual Earth Day Pledge. This year, we’re extending the invitation to all members of our community, including students and community members!

The Earth Day Pledge is a commitment to take daily actions that make a positive impact on our environment and contribute to the fight against climate change. By participating, you’ll be joining a movement of individuals dedicated to preserving our planet for future generations. Here’s how it works:

Commit to Three Daily Actions: Each day in May, pledge to take three simple actions that help the environment. These could include reducing water usage, recycling, using alternative transportation, or any other eco-friendly habits.

Receive Regular Tips and Resources: Throughout the pledge period, you’ll receive regular tips, resources, and inspiration to help you stay motivated and discover new ways to live sustainably.

Chance to Win a Prize: As an added bonus, participants will be entered into a prize draw with a chance to win a $75 Tucson Originals electronic gift certificate or a reusable PCC water bottle.

Also, by participating in the Pledge, you will earn two Healthy Rewards points.

To join the Pledge, simply complete this short form no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 29. It only takes a minute, and you’ll be on your way to making a difference!

Phil Burdick
Vice Chancellor for External Relations
Pima Community College