
Jane Conlin, Tucson Chapter co-leader speaks to members at the January, 2024 meeting at Pima College.

The Greater Tucson CCL chapter holds regular group meetings on the second Saturday morning of each month. You are invited to attend. There are no dues and there is no commitment except to defeat climate change!

Meetings are at the Pima Community College Downtown Campus, 1255 N. Stone Room in Room M390 of the Advanced Manufacturing Building. Coffee at 10:00 AM and meeting start at 10:30 AM.

To find room M390, park in the west parking lot (see map), and walk into the large open west entrance to the Advanced Manufacturing Building. Look left for a door with the words “Welding” above it (see photo below). Step inside the door, and there will be an elevator to your left. Take it to the third floor. M390 is outside the elevator to your right across a large breezeway.

Planned Meeting Dates for 2024 are:

January 13, 2024. Pima Community College Downtown Campus. Amethyst Room. 10:30AM. Coffee at 10:00. See meeting annoucement here

February 10, 2024 will be held at the Pima Community College Downtown Campus. 10:30AM. Coffee at 10:00. See the meeting annoucement here.

March 9, 2024 is the weekend of the Tucson Festival of Books and we will be operating our booth. No meeting this month, but please volunteer for a shift at the booth, or at least stop by and say hello!

April 13, 2024 will be held at the Pima Community College Downtown Campus. 10:30AM. Coffee at 10:00.

May 11, 2024 will be held at the Pima Community College Downtown Campus. Room M390 in Advanced Manufacturing Building. 10:30AM. Coffee at 10:00. Meet ACC Candidate Jonathon Hill. See the meeting announcement here.

June 8, 2024. No meeting this month. Its time for CCL’s National Conference and Lobby Day in Washington, D.C. Join us there or on Zoom. Watch for the details.

July 13, 2024 will be held at the Pima Community College Downtown Campus. Amethyst Room. Coffee at 10:00. Hear our student scholars talk about their experience in DC. See the meeting announcement here.

August 10, 2024 will be held at the Pima Community College Downtown Campus. Room M390 in Advanced Manufacturing Building. 10:30AM. Coffee at 10:00. Meet ACC Candidate Ylenia Aguilar. Bring a friend!

September 14, 2024

October 12, 2024

November 9, 2024

December 14, 2024