Our Next Meeting

Saturday, August 10, 2024
Coffee at 10 AM, meeting starts at 10:30 AM
Pima Community College, Downtown Campus
1255 N Stone

Our special guest speaker this month will be Ylenia Aguilar (D), candidate for the Arizona Corporation Commission. Please feel free to bring a friend.

Ylenia Aguilar

(In May we hosted Democratic candidates Jonathon Hill and Joshua Polacheck. We have extended invitations to Republican candidates Rene Lopez, Lea Márquez Peterson, and Rachel Walden. We are hopeful that they will attend a future meeting.)

Meetings are at the Pima Community College Downtown Campus, 1255 N. Stone Room in Room M390 of the Advanced Manufacturing Building. Coffee at 10:00 AM and meeting start at 10:30 AM.

To find room M390, park in the west parking lot (see map), and walk into the large open west entrance to the Advanced Manufacturing Building. Look left for a door with the words “Welding” above it (see photo below). Step inside the door, and there will be an elevator to your left. Take it to the third floor. M390 is outside the elevator to your right across a large breezeway. There is typically a welcome table set up right outside the entrance to the meeting room.